I cannot speak to the relationship the "Rev" Terry Jones has with Christ. He has chosen to desecrate the holy text of a substantial portion of the world. I have searched but not located anything he has said or written as to the purpose of this act. I assume he meant this to be an act of condemnation of Islam.
I can speak to the relationship of Christ to the world. According to John 3:17 God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him. Condemning others for what they are is a rather ineffective means of effecting any desired change . Rather, in my opinion, it would seem to be more effective to share an image of what one can be and achieve, and the benefits of a spiritual Christian life. This does not seen to be the tack Rev. Jones has chosen.
He is to be commended for providing credence to the argument that The United States is waging war, not against terrorism, but against Islam. I would not argue that his action caused the attacks upon the United Nations personnel. I do not think you can deny that it served as a justification by the instigators and coordinators of these attacks.
I abhor the actons of both Terry Jones and the killers in Afghanistan. Jones does not represent Christianity any more than the killers represent Islam. Christian, Muslim, or Jew we are all children of Abraham. However dysfunctional, we are a family of the One true God.