In the State of Texas, electricity was deregulated in 2002. This event allowed the entry into the energy market of electricity retailers other than the legacy carrier(s). Not only were these independent retailers allowed to enter the marketplace but there was legislative action taken to insure they would be allowed to compete. I consider the primary action to allow this was the creation of the "Price to Beat"(PTB) criterion. Until January 1, 2007, Retail Electric Providers (REPs) affiliated with the former bundled utility were required to offer a set of rates to retail customers with peak demand below 1 MW in their affiliated transmission and distribution utility's service area. These rates could be adjusted twice annually upon Commission approval for changes in the price of natural gas or purchased energy.
According to a typical economic theory, prices are optimally determined in a fair and transparent market, and not by a political or academic body. In deregulation of electricity markets, one immediate concern with pricing is that incumbent electricity providers would undercut the prices of new entrants, preventing competition and perpetuating the existing monopoly of providers. Thus, the SB7 bill introduced a phase-in period during which a price floor would be established (for incumbent electricity companies) to prevent this predatory practice, allowing new market entrants to become established. New market entrants could charge a price below the price to beat, but incumbents could not. This period was to last from 2002 to January 1, 2007.
Consequently, consumers of electricity in Texas, effectively 26 million people, now have myriad options when it comes to their retail provider. In addition to providing options to consumers there also came into existence an avenue for individuals to enter the energy field and lay claim to substantial income streams generated by the consumption of electricity.
Ambit Energy entered this market in 2006. It was co-founded by Jere Thompson and Chris Chambliss. These 2 individuals had extensive experience in previously deregulated markets and are extremely successful. Ambit Energy possesses an extraordinary management team and is well capitalized. Currently it has over 1 million customers and 1 billion plus in revenue.
You now have the opportunity to participate in this enormous redistribution of wealth. I will be providing a presentation that will give you all the information you need to become a part of this movement. This presentation will be made at 7 p.m. on October 15 at Buy the Book Cafe, 930-B Cedar Ridge, Duncanville TX 75137.
Please RSVP via FB, email, or phone 972 765 7878.