Saturday, December 16, 2017

Words that shall not be Spoken

     The forbidden words are "vulnerable," "entitlement," "diversity," "transgender," "fetus," "evidence-based" and "science-based."  These are the 7 words the Trump administration has advised the CDC (Center for Disease Control) shall not be used in any official documents being prepared for next year's budget.
     There have been other lists of forbidden words.  If you are of a certain age you will recall the seven dirty words”.  These are the seven English-language words that American comedian George Carlin first listed in 1972 in his monologue "Seven Words You Can Never Say on Television".[1] The words are: shit, piss, fuck, cunt, cocksucker, motherfucker, and tits.

     According to a former U.S. Secretary of State, “Censorship gives power to dictators and tyrants; it allows them to mask the truth, to propagate false narratives that play to their self-serving interests.”

     In the 18th century, an author known as Voltaire offered the following exposition to those who would practice censorship.  “As you have it in your power, sir, to do some service to letters, I implore you not to clip the wings of our writers so closely, nor to turn into barn-door fowls those who, allowed a start, might become eagles; reasonable liberty permits the mind to soar — slavery makes it creep.

     Had there been a literary censorship in Rome, we should have had to-day neither Horace, Juvenal, nor the philosophical works of Cicero. If Milton, Dryden, Pope, and Locke had not been free, England would have had neither poets nor philosophers; there is something positively Turkish in proscribing printing; and hampering it is proscription. Be content with severely repressing defamatory libels, for they are crimes: but so long as those infamous calottes are boldly published, and so many other unworthy and despicable productions, at least allow Bayle to circulate in France, and do not put him, who has been so great an honour to his country, among its contraband.
     You say that the magistrates who regulate the literary custom-house complain that there are too many books. That is just the same thing as if the provost of merchants complained there were too many provisions in Paris. People buy what they choose. A great library is like the City of Paris, in which there are about eight hundred thousand persons: you do not live with the whole crowd: you choose a certain society, and change it. So with books: you choose a few friends out of the many. There will be seven or eight thousand controversial books, and fifteen or sixteen thousand novels, which you will not read: a heap of pamphlets, which you will throw into the fire after you have read them. The man of taste will read only what is good; but the statesman will permit both bad and good.”
      Napoleon claimed that the censorship was based on stopping, “the manifestation of ideas which trouble the peace of the state, its interests and good order.”  Is Trump and/or his administration troubled by the words he has banned from use by the CDC?
     I hear you, let’s just pull back on the reins for a moment.  I’m only talking about words banned from use by 1 agency.  Surely this is not a particularly urgent moment in history.
     Were this the only case of censorship or attempt to intimidate and control functions of the government and public it certainly would not be noteworthy.  However, and unfortunately, that is not the case.
     He (POTUS45) has made extensive use of his bully pulpit to do just that, bully.  He wants to control the narrative in such a manner that he can control all action and reaction.  He has proclaimed the media to be the “enemy of the American people”.  Any reporting which does not reflect favorably upon POTUS and his administration favorably is proclaimed to be “fake news”.  This proclamation has nothing to do with truth or falsehood, but is strictly about image.  If your inauguration crowd is not as impressive as you desire just present “alternative facts”.  “This was the largest audience ever to witness an inauguration, period, both in person and around the globe,” according to Sean Spicer back in January of this year.  Now, once committed to the lie, he attacked the contrary reports.  Sean accused the press of “deliberately false reporting.”   Staff at the U.S. Department of Agriculture were instructed to censor the terms "climate change," "reduce greenhouse gasses," "sequester carbon," and "climate change adaptation" in their work.  In March, the Department of Energy's international climate office had instructed staff not to use "climate change," "emissions reduction," or "Paris Agreement" in "memos, briefings, or other written communication."  Because, if you don't say the words, the problem doesn't exist.
     If Trump is sincerely concerned about his image and legacy, I would recommend he consider banning the following; tyrant, demagogue, narcissist, defaulter, sexual predator, and adulterer.  This list is not to be considered comprehensive but merely to provide a guide. 
     When George Carlin engaged in adolescent humor by uttering “dirty” words in a public forum, that can be considered either humorous or in poor taste.  When the President of the United States engages in censorship of government offices and attacks upon a free and unfettered press, that is of much more serious consequence.


Saturday, December 2, 2017

The Latest LIE!!!

Biggest Tax Bill and Tax Cuts in history just passed in the Senate. Now these great Republicans will be going for final passage. Thank you to House and Senate Republicans for your hard work and commitment!
POTUS made this claim via Twitter at approximately 645 a.m. CDT today December 2, 2017. He has made this claim several times this year. It is still not true. However, such claims by POTUS are consistent with his view that facts are malleable. 
This is not my opinion. POTUS has explicitly made this claim. In The Art of the Deal he says " People want to believe something is the biggest and the greatest and the most spectacular. I call it truthful hyperbole. It’s an innocent form of exaggeration — and a very effective form of promotion." 
 This quote is a variation of "the big lie", also known as "Goebbels’ principle".   The expression was coined by Adolf Hitler, when he dictated his 1925 book Mein Kampf, about the use of a lie so “colossal” that no one would believe that someone “could have the impudence to distort the truth so infamously.”

It is also not my opinion that POTUS' claim of the biggest tax bill and tax cut in history is not true.  A 2013 Treasury Department report assessed the size of major tax bills either as a percentage of the economy, by the reduction in federal revenue or in inflation-adjusted dollars. The 1981 Reagan tax cut is the largest under the first two metrics. It was equivalent to 2.9 percent of gross domestic product and reduced federal revenue by 13.3 percent. The 2012 Obama tax cut amounted to the largest cut in inflation-adjusted dollars: $321 billion a year. For Mr. Trump’s tax cut to exceed the Reagan cuts as a share of G.D.P., the Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget estimates it would need to cost roughly $6.8 trillion over 10 years. To have a larger effect on revenue, it would need to cost $5.7 trillion. No version of the current tax cut plan meets those benchmarks. The budget blueprint that Republicans released in mid-October, the bill passed in the House in November and the bill currently being considered in the Senate all amount to a tax cut of about $1.5 trillion over 10 years. This would place as the 12th-largest as a share of the economy. If this data is available to me and you, it is certainly available to POTUS.
