Monday, February 18, 2019

Trump/Nobel? BS

Donald Trump in the Rose Garden February 15, 2019

“In fact, I think I can say this: Prime Minister Abe of Japan gave me the most beautiful copy of a letter that he sent to the people who give out a thing called the Nobel Prize.  He said, “I have nominated you…” or “Respectfully, on behalf of Japan, I am asking them to give you the Nobel Peace Prize.”  I said, “Thank you.”  Many other people feel that way too.  I’ll probably never get it, but that’s okay.
“So Prime Minister Abe gave me — I mean, it’s the most beautiful five letter — five-page letter.  Nobel Prize.  He sent it to them.  You know why?  Because he had rocket ships and he had missiles flying over Japan.  And they had alarms going off; you know that.  Now, all of a sudden, they feel good; they feel safe.  I did that.

The President of the United States told the American people the Prime Minister of Japan had nominated him for the Nobel Peace Prize.  The Prime Minister of Japan would neither confirm nor deny this claim.  This, in and of itself is not alarming, “The Nobel Committee for the last 50 years has not disclosed who recommended and who was recommended. In line with this policy, I would like to refrain from giving a comment,”.

Japanese media reports, such as The Nikkei, quoting Japanese government sources confirm the submission of the nomination. 

What one might find distressing are additional reports that denote the U.S. government had requested that such a nomination be made. 

Donald Trump has no shame.  His ego requires constant and extraordinary stroking.  This is a man who must be unceasingly validated.  He denies the findings of his intelligence agencies because they do not conform to the perspective he is promoting at any moment.  He is incapable of considering that anyone who doesn’t agree with him and support his view is an honorable human being.  They are only to be denigrated, minimized, and bullied.  He has the bully pulpit and uses it for precisely that purpose.  He has no concept of how to govern, only to dictate and subjugate. 

The majority of the citizens who voted in the last Presidential election had no desire for this man to be our President.  Every day he makes it clear as to why.


Friday, February 15, 2019

National Emergency? Time for some golf.

NOW, THEREFORE, I, DONALD J. TRUMP, by the authority vested in me by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, including sections 201 and 301 of the National Emergencies Act (50 U.S.C. 1601 et seq.), hereby declare that a national emergency exists at the southern border of the United States, and that section 12302 of title 10, United States Code, is invoked and made available, according to its terms, to the Secretaries of the military departments concerned, subject to the direction of the Secretary of Defense in the case of the Secretaries of the Army, Navy, and Air Force.

Also, Donald Trump on February 15, 2019 “I didn’t need to do this, but I’d rather do it much faster,” he said. “I just want to get it done faster, that’s all.”
The first paragraph is from a Presidential Proclamation.  The second is from a televised statement in the Rose Garden.

There is a national emergency or there is not.  The President says there is a national emergency, the President says there is not. 

  “I hereby declare that this emergency requires use of the Armed Forces and,…”

  The President has declared he requires the U.S. military to operate within the domestic borders of the United States to perform civil functions.

Of course, there has never been a case in recorded history where this has gone poorly for the civilian populace.

The current situation at the southern border presents a border security and humanitarian crisis that threatens core national security interests and constitutes a national emergency…. In particular, recent years have seen sharp increases in the number of family units entering and seeking entry to the United States and an inability to provide detention space for many of these aliens while their removal proceedings are pending. 

According to In FY17, CBP recorded the lowest level of illegal cross-border migration on record, as measured by apprehensions along the border and inadmissible encounters at U.S. ports of entry.

Furthermore, there has been a steady decrease in the number of undocumented entrants since the year 2000.  You can see the data provided by U.S. Customs and Border Protection 2017 Border Security Report.  In 2000 there were approximately 1.7 million.  In 2017 the number was less than 0.5 million. 

Where is the sharp increase of which the President speaks? 

The President has declared a National Emergency and goes to his resort in Mar-a-Lago. 

When is enough enough?

The above text in red is copied and pasted directly from states.  Contrary data is provided by government agencies and available to you. 

My opinion is the President of the United States will continue to lie, mislead, and obfuscate like a petulant child whose only desire is to achieve their own personal selfish aims.  However, where a child may throw toys and break things in a fit of pique, the President consumes the treasure and lives of the nation’s citizens.
