Saturday, April 20, 2019

Happy Easter

Happy Easter, what a sad, inadequate effort at well wishing this is.  
On Friday, Jesus, the Son of God, Prince of Peace, the Alpha and Omega was crucified.  A ubiquitous precept of Christianity is, Jesus was crucified as a sacrifice to appease God for the sins of humanity. 
Jesus was crucified because of fear.  Fear of the Romans at the hint of any threat to their occupation and tyranny.  Fear of the Sanhedrin of a loss of authority and status.  Fear killed Jesus.  His death was an attempt to sustain the hierarchy of power, occupiers and collaborators.  
On Saturday, Jesus was presumed to be entombed, secured by guards of the Prefect of Rome, Pontius Pilate.  For 2 days there was cause for only grief.
On Sunday, the 3rd day, it was the women who discovered an empty tomb from which the stone had been rolled away.  The women, enlightened by angel, returned Jesus' disciples and followers and were not believed.
Jesus HAD risen from the dead and in that lies out salvation.  
All the seasons of Christianity are without merit unless the resurrection occurs.  Jesus died so that we may believe in the truth and power of his words. "My commandment is this: love one another, just as I love you. The greatest love you can have for your friends is to give your life for them. And you are my friends if you do what I command you."   
Jesus' death is a call to love.  His love for us as a call for us to love each other even unto death.  This is a love that counts no cost. "For the law was given through Moses; grace and truth came through Jesus Christ". 
In the living Christ I celebrate each day.  I do not condemn my fellows regardless of their race, sex, national origin, religion nor any other designation that can be applied to separate of us from each other. " “The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand;repent and believe in the gospel.”  The kingdom of God cannot be any more at hand than being here, now.
Christ is risen!
Rejoice and live as Jesus called you to do.
Christ is risen!

Wednesday, April 3, 2019

First, kill all the judges

Yesterday, April 2, 2019 the President of the United States said "...we have to get rid of judges." 
Which of you is down with eliminating a co-equal branch of government? 
Oh, this is not something I got from some conspiratorial website or heard from my 3rd cousin who got it from their second grade teacher's veterinarian. It's not from some unconfirmed source. It is not a derivative of some hate/fear mongering meme created to fan the flames of irrational thought. I watched and heard him say this in a meeting with the NATO Secretary General.
If you need a conspiracy basis, here's one for you. 
This quote is not included in "Remarks by President Trump and NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg Before Expanded Bilateral Meeting" at WHITEHOUSE.GOV 
So, the President of the United States advocates eliminating judges, and the official informational organ of the U.S. deletes it from the record. WTFF? Over.