Friday, March 7, 2025

Unfit or Unwilling?

 Nathan Hooven is a disabled Air Force veteran who voted for Donald Trump in November.

“I think a lot of other veterans voted the same way, and we have been betrayed,” said Hooven, who was fired in February from a Virginia medical facility for veterans. “I feel like my life and the lives of so many like me, so many that have sacrificed so much for this country, are being destroyed.”

That's a damn shame.

According to draft dodging President Donald Trump's advisor Alina Habba who spoke about veteran's fired in the chaos of DOGE cuts. "Well, as you know, we care about veterans tremendously. I mean that's something the president has always cared about. Anybody in blue, any that serves the country. But at the same time, we have taxpayer dollars, we have a fiscal responsibility to use taxpayer dollars to pay people that actually work. That doesn't mean we forget our veterans, by any means. We are going to care for them in the right way. But perhaps they're not fit to have a job at this moment or are not willing to work."

So, Nathan Hooven, which is it? Are you unfit or unwilling to work? Apparently, those are the choices.

Thursday, March 6, 2025

Not fit to serve

 Draft dodging President Donald Trump's advisor Alina Habba spoke about veteran's fired in the chaos of DOGE cuts. "Well, as you know, we care about veterans tremendously. I mean that's something the president has always cared about. Anybody in blue, any that serves the country. But at the same time, we have taxpayer dollars, we have a fiscal responsibility to use taxpayer dollars to pay people that actually work. That doesn't mean we forget our veterans, by any means. We are going to care for them in the right way. But perhaps they're not fit to have a job at this moment or are not willing to work."

I assume the "we" she speaks of is this administration. From their actions I do not know they care tremendously, nor do I believe that to be the case.
This tremendous care for anyone in blue no doubt was the impetus to pardon those who beat and injured first responders on January 6.
They have not forgotten the veterans. They have chosen to abuse a class of citizens who have sworn to preserve protect and defend the constitution against all enemies, both foreign and domestic. This commander in chief believes his authority allows, even encourages him to harm his subordinates in order to demonstrate his power and cow others.
This would appear to be the right way they have chosen by which to treat our veterans.
If you still support this pathetic office holder and his minions, you can never lay claim to the title patriot.

Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Let our allies beware

I am a cold warrior. 1975-1979, following Vietnam when the military was not held in high esteem, I enlisted. I chose a combat arms mos because that is the mission. Gerald Ford and Jimmy Carter were the Presidents of the United States during my service years. They were both veterans. Neither of them bent their knee to Lenin Brezhnev, nor Kim Il-Sung during their tenure. If you don't know those names, then refrain from commenting.

We, the U.S., established a diplomatic relationship with Ukraine in 1991, following the fall of the Soviet Union. According to the U.S. Department of State, The United States attaches great importance to the success of Ukraine as a free and democratic state with a flourishing market economy. U.S. policy is centered on supporting Ukraine in the face of continued Russian aggression as it advances reforms to strengthen democratic institutions, fight corruption, and promote conditions for economic growth and competition. The United States does not, and will not ever, recognize Russia’s attempted annexation of Crimea, and continues to work with our partners to seek a diplomatic solution to the Russia-instigated conflict in eastern Ukraine.

Our greatest national threats, Russia, China, and North Korea have acted in concert to overpower Ukraine. The response of the current administration is to abandon our ally, Ukraine, and grant our enemies their specious desserts. Remember the Kurds, look to NATO, consider those who Trump calls "shithole" countries.

To say that if you rely upon an alliance with the United States, you are a fool, shames me.

Friday, February 7, 2025

REAL Censorship

 For years I have been amused by people claiming to be censored.

When a private body, IG, FB, X (formerly known as Twitter), etc. disallows or even suppresses views contrary to their interests or inclinations this may be inconvenient, even reprehensible, but it is not censorship.

Censorship occurs when a government authority engages in such practices. Let me give you an example.

Secretary of Defense Pete Hegseth ordered restrictions on what books DOD schools can teach. The Defense Department has begun restricting access to books and learning materials covering subjects from immigration to psychology in its school system serving U.S. military families. The effort affects curriculums for elementary school ages and up.

THIS is what censorship looks like. An official of the government, with no experience or training in education has decided he may determine what can be taught in DOD schools.

This is just the start. DOD today, independent school districts tomorrow.

The above is not hypothetical. It has begun.

Read, comment, follow


Sunday, February 2, 2025


It had been my hope; this day would not come. Yet, here we are, 13 days into a 2nd Trump Presidency. 

The first time around I called upon citizens to unify and support our new President.  This time, I know he is out to enrich himself and utilize all the resources of the U.S. and the authority of the Presidency to do so.

January 20th at 12n eastern time the oath of office was administered to Donald J. Trump as the 47th President of the United States. That oath has the party to whom it is administered state, in part, they will "...preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States."

The day had not ended when he broke his oath. By executive order, he acted to expressly violate the 14th amendment. In fact, not only to violate but to eliminate the right/protection it extends to every American born or naturalized in the United States. According to the Executive Order signed by him on the day of his inauguration, January 20, 2025, "Sec. 2.  Policy.  (a)  It is the policy of the United States that no department or agency of the United States government shall issue documents recognizing United States citizenship, or accept documents issued by State, local, or other governments or authorities purporting to recognize United States citizenship, to persons:  (1) when that person’s mother was unlawfully present in the United States and the person’s father was not a United States citizen or lawful permanent resident at the time of said person’s birth, or (2) when that person’s mother’s presence in the United States was lawful but temporary, and the person’s father was not a United States citizen or lawful permanent resident at the time of said person’s birth."

I don't have any particular beef with amending the Constitution.  There are already 27 amendments. However, executive fiat is not the manner by which those amendments have been ratified. There is no perspective by which any action of this sort is preserving, protecting, or defending the Constitution of the United States.


Thursday, January 9, 2025

Fire Insurance

 A few insurance companies have been dropping policies or refuse to issue policies for homeowners in California. Among those are State Farm, Farmers, and Allstate.

Therefore, homeowners and landlords are suffering losses of property and life and absorbing all damage, cost, and tragedy without commercial support. It's not like insurance companies are in the business of sharing risk for a price. Who hasn't seen their premiums increase without regard to coverage? We must maintain record profitability and qualify for CEO bonuses.

Speaking of CEO's, who remembers Brian Thompson, recently deceased? I wonder if he has been on the minds of Jon Farney, Raul Vargas, or Thomas J Wilson, the CEO's respectively of State Farm, Farmers, and Allstate. They gotta be considering increasing security.


For me, friendship is not a transactional relationship.

If I consider you to be my friend, you are essentially family I won't find on 23 & Me, Ancestry, etc.

I do not act in a manner to benefit you in order to obligate you. I act to your benefit because I can, and I want to. You do not OWE me anything. 

You may act towards me as you desire, but know you owe me no debt.