Friday, August 18, 2017

Maybe you want a higher standard?

So, Kellyanne Conway tweeted, as she is wont to do. 
Kellyanne Conway‏
Verified account 
Kellyanne Conway
#poll watchers: give a holler when @POTUS approval descends to that of media or Congress.

Let's consider this. I use Gallup polling numbers for consistency.
Trump Job Approval Rating Now at 34%
Congress         "             "                   16%
Media             "              "                   30%

This is what I hear.  We suck, but we don't suck as bad as these other guys.  
Kellyanne, your Twitter account makes the claim you are a Counselor to the President.  You may actually want to provide some counseling rather than massaging his already bloated ego.  

If he won't accept your counseling why do you remain?  Have you considered offering him advice on how to improve his performance and thereby his poll numbers or are you merely employed to show how he is not as bad as others?  When a ship is taking on water, you may want to considering bailing or engaging the bilge pumps instead of noting the other ships in the fleet only have their smokestacks showing.  Obviously the point of view is misdirected.  

Since you have an annual salary of $179,700 according to and are therefore on the public dole, I would like to see you take a more proactive approach instead of responding to every slight regardless of how minor, perceived by POTUS.  Your title is Assistant to the President and Senior Counselor.  If your duties consist solely of spinning the comments of others I can do that for $93,215 per year.  

I realize working in the current White House administration is difficult.  I do not covet your position nor environment.  I do think that should you make the development of the country and its citizens your primary concern, rather than stroking Donnie.   You would make for a much more pleasant environment for all.

There will be a legacy of this administration and you will be a part of it.  What part will you choose to play?


1 comment:

  1. Right as Rain, Mr Wesley! and thank you! Loved the paragraph about the bilge pumps, but I'm wondering what size pump would be needed!
