Monday, February 26, 2018

Arm 'em up!!

The following is from Donald J Trump’s twitter account.  You may have heard of him.  He is currently the President of the United States.  Read the tweet and then let me run some thoughts by you.

Follow Follow @realDonaldTrump


Armed Educators (and trusted people who work within a school) love our students and will protect them. Very smart people. Must be firearms adept & have annual training. Should get yearly bonus. Shootings will not happen again - a big & very inexpensive deterrent. Up to States.

10:54 AM - 24 Feb 2018

Ok, the first sentence is not something over which I will quibble.  I assume unarmed educators and trusted people within a school also love and protect out children.  They have done so in each instance of a mass school shooting.

This firearm adept thing is a horse of a different color.  To be adept is to be skilled/proficient.  Unless you go to the range regularly you will not be adept with regards to use of a firearm.  Marksmanship is a frangible skill.  It requires regular dedicated practice.  You may know how to clean, point, and fire a weapon.  That does not make you adept.  I am not even going to address the skills required to manage a live fire zone which includes innocent unarmed bystanders.

These armed educators and trusted people who work within a school must have annual training.  If annual training is all you are providing to people wielding weapons in schools, you are guaranteeing failure.  There will be physical security issues with regards to weapons.  There will be accidental discharges.  There will be improper unauthorized use of force.

According to POTUS’ tweet “Shootings will not happen again-…”.  I will type this very slowly, so you can understand.  As long as weapons are available with virtually no oversight with regard to their acquisition the shootings will continue.  The difference is the teacher will be the first person shot if an active shooter has reason to believe they are armed. 

According to 45 the arming of educators and trusted people who work within a school will be “a big & very inexpensive deterrent.”.  No doubt it will be big.  According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics there are approximately 2.4 million primary and secondary teacher positions in the U.S.  For the purposes of this demonstration I will not count the “trusted people who work within a school”.  So, we start with 2.4 million teachers.  Let’s eliminate 1/2 of them as either unqualified and/or unwilling to bear arms.  That leaves us with 1.2 million who need to be equipped and trained.  A decent 9mm magazine fed semiautomatic pistol can run you anywhere from $250-$400.  So, let us say the average cost is $325.  This equates to $390,000,000 to provide a pistol to each teacher to be armed.  Of course, a pistol without ammunition is a rock/stick.  I will assume 208 rounds annually to maintain proficiency and tactical readiness.  This leads to a cost of about $80 per teacher to be armed, so there’s about $96,000,000.  If there is only 1 training session per armed teacher annually and each teacher can train without an instructor, the most conservative estimate I can possibly suggest is $15/teacher for $36,000,000.  The cost of equipping the teachers to be armed with a pistol was estimated at $390,000,000.  Assuming every teacher can maintain their weapon in a serviceable fashion forever and retiring teachers supply new teachers with their weapons then this is a 1-time cost.  Ammunition and training are annual costs estimated at $132,000,000.  The first year would run about $510,000,000, about ½ billion.  For whom is this inexpensive, especially considering the recent tax cut contributing to a decrease in revenue and increase in borrowing and deficit spending?

However, to be honest, Trump does say this would be borne by the States, so there should be no federal economic affect.  I do wonder if the feds will offer some type of liability insurance for states or school districts at a low cost or if that will need to be purchased on the open market.


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