Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Deregulation and the Redistribution of Wealth

In the State of Texas, electricity was deregulated in 2002.  This event allowed the entry into the energy market of electricity retailers other than the legacy carrier(s).  Not only were these independent retailers allowed to enter the marketplace but there was legislative action taken to insure they would be allowed to compete.  I consider the primary action to allow this was the creation of the "Price to Beat"(PTB) criterion.  Until January 1, 2007, Retail Electric Providers (REPs) affiliated with the former bundled utility were required to offer a set of rates to retail customers with peak demand below 1 MW in their affiliated transmission and distribution utility's service area. These rates could be adjusted twice annually upon Commission approval for changes in the price of natural gas or purchased energy.

According to a typical economic theory, prices are optimally determined in a fair and transparent market, and not by a political or academic body. In deregulation of electricity markets, one immediate concern with pricing is that incumbent electricity providers would undercut the prices of new entrants, preventing competition and perpetuating the existing monopoly of providers. Thus, the SB7 bill introduced a phase-in period during which a price floor would be established (for incumbent electricity companies) to prevent this predatory practice, allowing new market entrants to become established. New market entrants could charge a price below the price to beat, but incumbents could not. This period was to last from 2002 to January 1, 2007. 

Consequently, consumers of electricity in Texas, effectively 26 million people, now have myriad options when it comes to their retail provider.  In addition to providing options to consumers there also came into existence an avenue for individuals to enter the energy field and lay claim to substantial income streams generated by the consumption of electricity. 

Ambit Energy entered this market in 2006.  It was co-founded by Jere Thompson and Chris Chambliss.  These 2 individuals had extensive experience in previously deregulated markets and are extremely successful.  Ambit Energy possesses an extraordinary management team and is well capitalized.  Currently it has over 1 million customers and 1 billion plus in revenue.

You now have the opportunity to participate in this enormous redistribution of wealth.  I will be providing a presentation that will give you all the information you need to become a part of this movement.  This presentation will be made at 7 p.m. on October 15 at Buy the Book Cafe, 930-B Cedar Ridge, Duncanville TX 75137. 

Please RSVP via FB, email, or phone 972 765 7878.

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Equality and morality

president says that inequality is a "immoral" - WHile I agree with him, he should be careful - Establishing Financial equality is establishing a socialistic ideal - removing capitalism which is the strength of our "freedom" - dont get me wrong, I would like to know I can make a living and take care of my wife - but I dont think my fair living should be at the expense of someone else being treated unfairly.

“This growing inequality isn’t just morally wrong; it’s bad economics.”

The first paragraph is a post from a source which I respect.  I thought it was interesting and it gave me pause in contemplating the economic system of the United States.  The second paragraph is the quote referenced.  It was from a speech given by President Obama on July 24, 2013.

Is inequality immoral?  Can equality even be achieved?  Is there actually a desire of the populace to be treated equally?  Personally, in my dealings with the masses I have found that equality is generally perceived as a grand concept for everyone else but the individual desires preferential treatment.

Capitalism does not provide for equality.  I consider capitalism to be amoral.  It is an economic construct designed to allow those who are willing to profit from others labors to do so.  It allows the concentration of wealth in a minority of participants.  With that wealth comes the ability to influence circumstances and events in such a way as to retain possession and increase that wealth.

Capitalism has been sold to us as a system of reward based upon merit and ability.  Pish-posh, in 2012 the average compensation for a Fortune 500 CEO was 10.5-12 million dollars, depending on the report you prefer. This is 379-380 times the average compensation for an employee.  The average salary across the U.S. for a teacher was 44,000 dollars.  So, the average CEO compensation was only 238.6-272.7 times the average teacher compensation. 

I could have used many vocations for example but I chose teacher because I had to choose something.  You can look up the data for  garbage man, policeman, truck driver, nurse, janitor, etc.  These are all people with whom I have regular dealings.  I did not cross paths with any CEO's last year.  The point is, those people who perform the most service for me and mine are the least compensated. 

Inequity, on the other hand, I do consider to be immoral.   In any week there are 168 hours.  You have no more nor any less time regardless of your employment or lack thereof.  I find it unconscionable to entertain the thought that the time which each of us lives could be considered any more or less valuable than any others. 

Of course, it is not possible to reflect the ROI of quality of life in the annual report for the stockholders, so why worry about it?  The consequences of those suffering from the inequitable distribution of resources need not be endured nor even acknowledged by those in control of the vast majority of our wealth.  And make no mistake about it, it is OUR wealth.  The myth of the self made man is just that, a myth.  No one achieves anything without the contributions of others.  However, it is evident those contributions need not be recognized nor compensated.

I strive to live a faith based life rather than a profit driven one.  My role model in that vein was most assuredly not a capitalist.  Therefore, rather than resigning myself to a system which, at best, marginalizes and disenfranchises the least among us I will continue to seek a better system.  That system may call for a redistribution of wealth, but that is a topic of another discussion.




Wednesday, May 8, 2013

18 Months

18 months is the gestation period of some species of whales.  18 months is the maximum COBRA continuation period.  18 months is the length of the Executive MBA program at JOHNS HOPKINS.  Apparently, 18 months is also the period of time necessary for me to no longer recall the consequences of my previous foray to WALMART.  If you care to enjoy the details of that fiasco they can be found in this blog.  The post is dated Sept. 17, 2011.

However, let me share my current experience with you.

In March of this year I was in the market for a new camp stove.  I did my research both on line and at brick and mortar locations of several different venues.  I decided the best value was a dual fuel, 2 burner, Coleman stove available on line and at their store.  The description of this product, which I do recommend, was incomplete.  Therefore I asked Walmart, via email, what was the capacity of the fuel tank for this item. 

On May 7 this year I received a response to my question.  Fortunately, I had waited for the response to make my decision regarding my purchase.  In large, bold print the response claimed, 

Your question has been answered! 

But wait, there's more.  According to their response:
Great news! VivaLaWally has answered your question. Ask, and the community shall provide.
Well, certainly not a timely response but what did VivaLaWally have to say?  I was not amused when I was referred to the product description which had necessitated my original question.  So, it took 2 months for them to fail to answer my question.  At least until the time I received a response I could believe someone was diligently researching my query.   True, I may have been deluding myself, but I prefer to think I just have a generous spirit.
At this rate I figure I will probably have another comment about Walmart in November of 2014.  I look forward to sharing it with you then.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Are we nuts?

     According to popular culture Albert Einstein said "doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results" was the definition of insanity.  How many of us have functioned in this manner? 

     We arise each day and proceed to our place of employ and trade our time for dollars.  Generally those dollars are at a set rate per hour of our lives.  That could be at $7.25 per hour, the current federal minimum wage, or more.  Of course there are exceptions to this.  Widespread throughout the service industry employees are paid substantially less on an hourly basis.  Then there are positions which pay substantially more.  Whatever your particular circumstances, is it really possible to be adequately compensated for a substantial amount of your life.  If you are not a CEO, board member or corporate officer are you able to partake in any significant manner in the revenues of your employer?  Can one even be adequately compensated in trading their time for money?

     Financial independence is exceeding rarely achieved by the individual whose income is wage based.  One need not be an economist to recognize this.  The holders of the majority of the wealth in the United States do not rely upon wages for their livelihood.  Furthermore, the VAST MAJORITY of the wealth in the United States is concentrated within 20% of the population.  It would seem to follow that to achieve financial independent one must identify and engage in wealth producing activities other than trading your time for dollars at a predetermined rate. 

     Once I came to this realization I concluded I must identify opportunity and act upon it.  I concluded that my best investment was in my self.  I chose to no longer restrict myself to trading hours for dollars.  It became obvious that an hourly wage could never provide the financial independence and security I desired for me and my family.  There are a finite number of hours that one may work.  Consequently, there is a limit to what one may earn.  Accordingly, I will be restricted in my ability to provide for myself, my loved ones, and any social issues which may concern me.

     By financial independence I do not mean a life of opulence misspent in selfishness.  Rather, I mean the ability to live without a constant fear of catastrophic disaster.  I want to be able to meet my obligations and still be able to help others.  I would like to be able to begin to address social inequities which I perceive to exist.

     I have been blessed with being provided with a process to achieve that which I desired.  That desire being to provide for my self and others.  If you have such a desire I would love to share the process with you.  Ultimately, we are all in this together.  You cannot sink just one end of the ship.  If you have any comments or questions please feel free to leave them as comments or you can contact me at 972-765-7878 or via email at


Monday, February 11, 2013


I am debt free.  I AM DEBT FREE!.  What a great feeling.  I still must make the monthly payments for water, but there is no anxiety about the monthly credit card statement.  I have no mortgage to be concerned about, although I do maintain insurance on my investment.  The cars are paid for, preventive maintenance costs are much less than a car payment on a devaluing asset.  I still have costs but there is no debt based on using someone else's money.  I do not owe the bank, the credit union, nor the legalized loan sharks called credit card issuers.  I hope my joy in being debt free is not construed to be un-american.

I did not achieve this milestone alone.  I had mentors and was introduced to a process, consisting of a proven system which allowed me to be freed of the burden of debt.    I did not have to reinvent the wheel nor take a vow of poverty.  There was no painful nor burdensome transition of my lifestyle nor my essential being.  I did have to become more purposeful in my service to others.  I know I have been blessed by the Lord and enabled to support my family by taking care of my business.  That is the order my mentors advised me to prioritize; God, Family, Business.  They also told me to never sacrifice my integrity for growth.

The relief I feel in no longer having the burden of debt is, for me, literally indescribable.  It permeates every niche of my life.  If  you have desired financial independence but have not found the avenue that will provide it for you, please, contact me via blog comment or email at  I want to share this achievement with you. I want to share not to gloat but to enable you to achieve your dream if being debt free and possessing your own individual financial independence is something you have desired.