I am debt free. I AM DEBT FREE!. What a great feeling. I still must make the monthly payments for water, but there is no anxiety about the monthly credit card statement. I have no mortgage to be concerned about, although I do maintain insurance on my investment. The cars are paid for, preventive maintenance costs are much less than a car payment on a devaluing asset. I still have costs but there is no debt based on using someone else's money. I do not owe the bank, the credit union, nor the legalized loan sharks called credit card issuers. I hope my joy in being debt free is not construed to be un-american.
I did not achieve this milestone alone. I had mentors and was introduced to a process, consisting of a proven system which allowed me to be freed of the burden of debt. I did not have to reinvent the wheel nor take a vow of poverty. There was no painful nor burdensome transition of my lifestyle nor my essential being. I did have to become more purposeful in my service to others. I know I have been blessed by the Lord and enabled to support my family by taking care of my business. That is the order my mentors advised me to prioritize; God, Family, Business. They also told me to never sacrifice my integrity for growth.
The relief I feel in no longer having the burden of debt is, for me, literally indescribable. It permeates every niche of my life. If you have desired financial independence but have not found the avenue that will provide it for you, please, contact me via blog comment or email at sgtmawesley@gmail.com. I want to share this achievement with you. I want to share not to gloat but to enable you to achieve your dream if being debt free and possessing your own individual financial independence is something you have desired.
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