Wednesday, July 26, 2017

And so, it continues

WOW!.  Just effin' wow, dude.

"After consultation with my Generals and military experts, please be advised that the United States Government will not accept or allow Transgender individuals to serve in any capacity in the U.S. Military. Our military must be focused on decisive and overwhelming victory and cannot be burdened with the tremendous medical costs and disruption that transgender in the military would entail. Thank you"

Do you just pick some group at random to attack? 

Let's look at what you have actually said.  "After consultation with my Generals and military experts…".  I have no doubt, considering the rampant sexual abuse in the U.S. military (not hyperbole, look up the numbers) you could find a General and military experts to support your prejudice.  However, actually being a veteran, unlike yourself, I would be astounded if a majority of well educated, cultured gentlemen with the rank of General would actually support such a position.  Military expert is more difficult to define.  Compared to you an USMA plebe is a military expert.  Hell, for all I know you are referring to one of the Boy Scouts  you met at the Jamboree who once wrote a book report on the Spanish American war.  Remember the Maine!  You can ask one of your experts.

"…please be advised that the United States Government will not accept or allow Transgender individuals to serve in any capacity in the U.S. Military."   I am so advised.  Now, here you acknowledge that transgender individuals serve in the military.  Otherwise you could have stopped at "accept".  Thank you for confirming that you are an intolerant  churl.  From your tone it seems that no

"Our military must be focused on decisive and overwhelming victory…".  Please, allow me to provide some historical perspective.  I will do so in short sections.  Try to keep up.


Wartime rumors had been spread of their rampant immorality, including shiploads of pregnant WACS being sent back to the state in disgrace and “wolf packs of sex-hungry Wacs roaming the countryside…seducing innocent sailors.”

I believe that society is trying to make one gender. Like there are no differences between genders. There are certain things not made for women and the military is one of them. Like men cannot have babies, its ok, society will survive if certain things are for certain genders.

I'm a girl and I don't believe women have the emotional strength to deal with what they will see out there.
Women risk being raped and beaten. I'm really tired of hearing other women complain about how they don't feel as equal as men, like women only make 77 cents out of every dollar a man makes or we need to break through that glass ceiling. STOP COMPLAINING! Women and men have different strengths and different places they belong in the world and women don't belong in the military.



U.S. Sen. Lister Hill of Alabama argued that integration would "seriously impair the morale of the Army at a time when our armed forces should be at their strongest and most efficient."


Gen. Omar Bradley, the Army chief of staff "as nearly every Army officer knows, after long experience with the problem, that a hard, flat and inflexible rule that white and Negro manpower be completely intermingled immediately in all tactical units would be one of the surest ways to break down the morale of the Army and to destroy its efficiency."


"Because once you are able to tell-and stay-then there is no containing the sexual problem."

The above are all actual arguments for not allowing particular groups to serve in the military.  They were absurd and offensive when they  were spoken and remain so.  All of these groups have been integrated into U.S. military forces.  They have all served honorably, even with distinction. 

I find it difficult to believe the Generals and military experts you spoke to did not make you aware of the resemblance of your remarks to those of the past.  Of course, I am assuming these advisors were of U.S. origin.  Furthermore, you may want to remember  "“Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it." (George Santayana)

"… and cannot be burdened with the tremendous medical costs and disruption that transgender in the military would entail. " 

Let me offer you some data,  the Rand Corporation estimated that these treatments would cost the military between $2.4 million and $8.4 million annually. 

“The implication is that even in the most extreme scenario that we were able to identify … we expect only a 0.13-percent ($8.4 million out of $6.2 billion) increase in health care spending,” Rand's authors concluded.  You have proposed to increase the military budget by 54 billion.  Hence, any treatments would constitute any even smaller part of the budget. 

By contrast, total military spending on erectile dysfunction medicines amounts to $84 million annually, according to an analysis by the Military Times — 10 times the cost of annual transition-related medical care for active duty transgender service members.

The military spends $41.6 million annually on Viagra alone, according to the Military Times analysis

POTUS, you amaze me.  Just how disingenuous can one person be?



  1. I don't think letting Transgender people into the military is the same as allowing women and gays. Women can't help being women and gays can't help being gay. You can, however, help being transgender. You to do the things you do that comes with being transgender. Personally, I would let them join at their own risk. Meaning other soldiers WOULD NOT receive sensitivity training based on your feelings as a transgender individual, any signs of mental issues (because it IS a mental disorder) would result in an automatic discharge, any medication/medical procedures pertaining to transgenderism should come out of their pocket, and they must perform PT up to standard even after their hormones (no exceptions). The military is NOT a place where people should go for a safe space or free sex change operation. The military is NOT an equal opportunity employer. You can't join if you are overweight or otherwise physically impaired. You can't join if you are autistic, schizophrenic, or otherwise mentally impaired, so why should they be the exception? Because they are offended?

    1. (edit)You do NOT** need to do the things that come with being transgender.

      Also, people who are already serving cannot get any unnecessary plastic/cosmetic surgery under tricare, so neither should they.

    2. According to the American Psychiatric Association gender dysphoria is not a mental illness but a recognized medical condition. Being gay was considered a mental disorder until 1973. It would seem apparent our growing understanding of humanity allows for participation of all groups. There is a reason it is called the Uniform Code of Military Justice. It should be applied uniformly based on performance and conduct. The military has been a place for transgender people to serve just as it is for gay, male, female, black, white, and red people. They have served honorable and faithfully. They have failed to succeed and been discharged, just like all the myriad groups represented in the military. Being transgender in and of itself has no effect upon abilities or motivation. If they can meet physical and intelligence standards there is no valid reason they should not be allowed. Furthermore,in 2016 "The Secretary of Defense has made clear that service members with a diagnosis from a military medical provider indicating that gender transition is medically necessary will be provided medical care and treatment for the diagnosed medical condition," Pentagon officials have said they do not anticipate large numbers of transgender troops to qualify for surgery. This policy making by twitter is nothing other than pandering by use of bigotry.

  2. As always thoughtful and researched
