Saturday, February 8, 2020

Screw 'em, screw 'em all

     An area sacred to indigenous groups is being destroyed for Trump's border wall.  Border wall construction in the Organ Pipe Cactus National Monument is threatening a burial ground and other sacred areas. 

     Finally, the United States has a President who's not afraid to desecrate a holy site of the victims of genocide.

     He is not dissuaded from his purpose regardless of the pain suffered from bone spurs as he grinds his heel into the throat of the poor, oppressed, disenfranchised.

     He is no longer constrained to denying the opportunity of a better life to those attempting to escape the threat of death or protect their families from persecution.

     Now he can simultaneously condemn foreign nationals to the ravages of despots and dictators, while acting in a like manner.  These are national leaders he has praised.  He has even been quoted saying "where's my favorite dictator" at the Group of Seven Summit last year with regard to President Al Sisi of Egypt.

     There can be no doubt, this is the type of action desperately needed to #MAGA.

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