I am a cold warrior. 1975-1979, following Vietnam when the military was not held in high esteem, I enlisted. I chose a combat arms mos because that is the mission. Gerald Ford and Jimmy Carter were the Presidents of the United States during my service years. They were both veterans. Neither of them bent their knee to Lenin Brezhnev, nor Kim Il-Sung during their tenure. If you don't know those names, then refrain from commenting.
We, the U.S., established a diplomatic relationship with Ukraine in 1991, following the fall of the Soviet Union. According to the U.S. Department of State, The United States attaches great importance to the success of Ukraine as a free and democratic state with a flourishing market economy. U.S. policy is centered on supporting Ukraine in the face of continued Russian aggression as it advances reforms to strengthen democratic institutions, fight corruption, and promote conditions for economic growth and competition. The United States does not, and will not ever, recognize Russia’s attempted annexation of Crimea, and continues to work with our partners to seek a diplomatic solution to the Russia-instigated conflict in eastern Ukraine.
Our greatest national threats, Russia, China, and North Korea have acted in concert to overpower Ukraine. The response of the current administration is to abandon our ally, Ukraine, and grant our enemies their specious desserts. Remember the Kurds, look to NATO, consider those who Trump calls "shithole" countries.
To say that if you rely upon an alliance with the United States, you are a fool, shames me.
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