Sunday, June 25, 2017

Greatest Accomplishments EVER! Believe me.

Donald J. TrumpVerified account @realDonaldTrump Jun 23 
I've helped pass and signed 38 Legislative Bills, mostly with no Democratic support, and gotten rid of massive amounts of regulations. Nice!

Not exactly, with minimal effort you can actually see how many Republicans and Democrats voted for each bill.  Why would someone make a statement that can be quickly and easily shown to be blatantly false?

Mainstream (FAKE) media refuses to state our long list of achievements, including 28 legislative signings, strong borders & great optimism!  Previous tweet.

The first bill was to make an exception for a Trump appointee.  3 of these pieces of legislative are to name buildings.  3 bills providing for the reappointment of 3 individuals as a citizen regent of the Board of Regents of the Smithsonian Institution.  1 was a memorial declaration.  Another few relieving corporations of rules which required them to either protect the environment or be subject to cost and/or documentation scrutiny.  

If you want to be recognized, do something worthy of recognition.  After having reviewed all of these legislative signings I am of the opinion POTUS has spent more time on Twitter and the golf course than he has on these bills. 

Here are those legislative signings. 

S.84  Bill to provide exception for James N. "Mad Dog" Mattis to be appointed as Secretary of Defense since the rules don't apply to this administration.

H.R.72 - GAO Access and Oversight Act of 2017; To ensure the Government Accountability Office has adequate access to information.
I certainly hope so.

H.J.Res.41 - Providing for congressional disapproval and nullification of "Disclosure of Payments by Resource Extraction Issuers" rule finalized by the Securities and Exchange Commission on July 27, 2016. (The rule, mandated under the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act, requires resource extraction issuers to disclose payments made to governments for the commercial development of oil, natural gas, or minerals.  Because, let's face it, it's really none of the business of citizens who is paying whom and for what in our government.

H.J.Res.38 - Disapproving the rule submitted by the Department of the Interior known as the Stream Protection Rule. 

The Stream Protection Rule covers waterways near surface coal mining operations like mountaintop-removal mines.  Because, really, who wouldn't trust a commercial coal mining operation to preserve local waterways?

H.J.Res. 40 - Joint Resolution providing for congressional disapproval under chapter 8 of title 5, United States Code, of the rule submitted by the Social Security Administration relating to Implementation of the NICS Improvement Amendments Act of 2007.  Don't you want to make is easier for individuals who are disqualified from the purchase of firearms to more effectively circumvent the system in order to purchase firearms?

H.R. 255 - Promoting Women in Entrepreneurship Act.  
To authorize the National Science Foundation to support entrepreneurial programs for women. 

Section 33 of the Science and Engineering Equal Opportunities Act (42 U.S.C. 1885a) is amended—

(1) by striking “and” at the end of paragraph (10);

(2) by striking the period at the end of paragraph (11) and inserting “; and”; and

(3) by adding at the end the following new paragraph:

“(12) encourage its entrepreneurial programs to recruit and support women to extend their focus beyond the laboratory and into the commercial world.”.  Here's a major legislative accomplishment.

H.R. 321 - Inspiring the Next Space Pioneers, Innovators, Researchers, and Explorers (INSPIRE) Women Act. Promoting a study.

H.R.609 - To designate the Department of Veterans Affairs health care center in Center Township, Butler County, Pennsylvania, as the "Abie Abraham VA Clinic".  Self explanatory in it's national significance.

S.442 - National Aeronautics and Space Administration Transition Authorization Act of 2017. 

Congress hadn’t passed a NASA funding authorization bill in seven years.  While its most newsworthy provision is the aforementioned money to send humans to Mars, the $19.5 billion authorization contains a number of other provisions sure to excite science lovers. They include:Reaffirming a January decision by the Obama administration to continue American involvement with the International Space Station through 2024.

  • Guaranteeing free lifetime health care for astronauts.
  • Resurrecting the National Space Council, a governmental body that hasn’t existed since 1993,

Who opposed it, astrophysicist Neil DeGrasse Tyson called the bill a “wolf in sheep’s clothes”

“My read of the (entire) plan is to remove Earth monitoring from NASA’s mission statement, leaving NASA to think only about the rest of the Universe and not Earth as a part of that same universe,” Tyson wrote. “Unless this task is picked up by some other agency, the disconnect will be disastrous to our understanding of our own planet, preventing us from knowing and predicting our own impact on our own environment.”  Well, let's just hope we can terra form Mars before Earth becomes uninhabitable by humans.

H.J. Res. 37 - Joint Resolution disapproving the rule submitted by the Department of Defense, the General Services Administration, and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration relating to the Federal Acquisition Regulation.  No one could possibly want Federal contractors to be required to disclose compliance information with 14 federal labor laws and state equivalents to the government. Agency contracting officers are then required to take these disclosures into consideration when awarding contracts.
Second, the rule imposes requirements for “paycheck transparency”. Contractors required to maintain wage records under the Fair Labor Standards Act, Service Contract Act, or substantially similar state laws, must provide documentation of “hours worked, overtime hours, pay, and additions to or deductions from pay” in each pay period.
Third, the rule limits the mandatory arbitration of employee claims by requiring government contracts and subcontracts valued over $1 million to incorporate clauses stating that employees must voluntarily consent to arbitration of these claims.

H.J. Res. 44 - Joint Resolution disapproving the rule submitted by the Department of the Interior relating to Bureau of Land Management regulations that establish the procedures used to prepare, revise, or amend land use plans pursuant to the Federal Land.  By all means, let's get rid of a rule that affirms the important role of other Federal agencies, State and local governments, Indian tribes, and the public during the planning process and enhances opportunities for public involvement and transparency during the preparation of resource management plans. The final rule will enable the BLM to more readily address resource issues at a variety of scales, such as wildfire, wildlife habitat, appropriate development, or the demand for renewable and non-renewable energy sources, and to respond more effectively to change. The final rule emphasizes the role of using high quality information, including the best available scientific information, in the planning process; and the importance of evaluating the resource, environmental, ecological, social, and economic conditions at the onset of planning. There can't possibly be any reason to involve all those non-executive branch bodies in any land management.  Especially not the people who live there.

H.J.Res.57 - Providing for congressional disapproval under chapter 8 of title 5, United States Code, of the rule submitted by the Department of Education relating to accountability and State plans under the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965.  It should be apparent there is no need for accountability when the most recent PISA results, from 2015, placed the U.S. an unimpressive 38th out of 71 countries in math and 24th in science.  All good here.
S. 305 - Vietnam War Veterans Recognition Act of 2017.  SEC. 2. DISPLAY OF FLAG ON NATIONAL VIETNAM WAR VETERANS DAY.  Honorable, but does this count as a significant legislative achievement?
H.J.Res.42 - Joint Resolution disapproving the rule submitted by the Department of Labor relating to drug testing of unemployment compensation applicants.  Individuals don't need any protection from corporate America or governing bodies.
H.R.1362 - An Act to name the Department of Veterans Affairs community-based outpatient clinic in Pago Pago, American Samoa, the Faleomavaega Eni Fa'aua'a Hunkin VA Clinic.  Big, possibly the biggest renaming ever.
S.J.Res.1 - Joint Resolution approving the location of a memorial to commemorate and honor the members of the Armed Forces who served on active duty in support of Operation Desert Storm or Operation Desert Shield.  It is certainly difficult to comprehend how major media outlets could have failed to recognize and praise this major piece of legislature.
H.J.Res.69 Non-Subsistence Take of Wildlife, and Public Participation and Closure Procedures, on National Wildlife Refuges in Alaska.  No need to manage the harvesting of predators, especially on National Wildlife Refuges. 
H.J.Res. 83, which nullifies the Department of Labor's rule titled Clarification of Employer's Continuing Obligation to Make and Maintain an Accurate Record of Each Recordable Injury and Illness.  This can't help but MAGA.  I feel safer and more productive just reading it.
S.J.Res. 34 - Joint Resolution providing for congressional disapproval under chapter 8 of title 5, United States Code, of the rule submitted by the Federal Communications Commission relating to “Protecting the Privacy of Customers of Broadband.  I love this one.  I'm anticipating with great glee viewing the search histories of ALL my legislators.
H.R. 1228, S.J.Res. 30, S.J.Res. 35 S.J. Res. 36 are all exclusively administrative tasks 
H.J.Res.43, apparently the more you can restrict access to family planning the better.
H.J.Res. 67 - Joint Resolution disapproving the rule submitted by the department of Labor relating to savings arrangements established by qualified State political subdivisions for non-governmental employees.  Let's be honest, if you can't help the 1%, why bother?
H.R.353 - Weather Research and Forecasting Innovation Act of 2017, fortunately NOAA will not be burdened with any study, research, or concern regarding climate change.

S. 544 - An Act to amend the Veterans Access, Choice, and Accountability Act of 2014 to modify the termination date for the Veterans Choice Program, and for other purposes. SECTION 1. MODIFICATION OF TERMINATION DATE FOR VETERANS CHOICE PROGRAM.
Section 101(p)(2) of the Veterans Access, Choice, and Accountability Act of 2014 (Public Law 113–146; 38 U.S.C. 1701 note) is amended by striking ‘‘, or the date that is 3 years after the date of the enactment of this Act, whichever occurs first’’.  Yea.

S.J.Res. 30 - Joint Resolution providing for the reappointment of Steve Case as a citizen regent of the Board of Regents of the Smithsonian Institution.

This is big, bigly, the biggest.

S.J.Res. 35 - Joint Resolution providing for the appointment of Michael Govan as a citizen regent of the Board of Regents of the Smithsonian Institution.
Another biggie?

S.J.Res. 36 - Joint Resolution providing for the appointment of Roger W. Ferguson as a citizen regent of the Board of Regents of the Smithsonian Institution.
Biggest yet?

H.J.Res. 99 - Joint Resolution making further continuing appropriations for fiscal year 2017, and for other purposes.
This was actually purposeful.

H.R. 244 - Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2017
That the House agree to the amendments numbered 2 and 3 of the Senate to the bill (H.R. 244) entitled “An Act to encourage effective, voluntary investments to recruit, employ, and retain men and women who have served in the United States military with annual Federal awards to employers recognizing such efforts, and for other purposes.”,
Read this act, you're not gonna believe it.

H.R. 534 - U.S. Wants to Compete for a World Expo Act

S. 496 -An Act to repeal the rule issued by the Federal Highway Administration and the Federal Transit Administration entitled “Metropolitan Planning Organization Coordination and Planning Area Reform”.
Cuz', really, planning and coordination are way overrated.  

H.R. 274 - Modernizing Government Travel Act.
Don't worry, the money to fund this can come from the savings in Medicaid and other health care and social programs.

H.J.Res. 66 - Joint Resolution disapproving the rule submitted by the Department of Labor relating to savings arrangements established by States for non-governmental employees.
Who wants to encourage savings when consumption is what the economy needs?

S. 419 - Public Safety Officers’ Benefits Improvement Act of 2017
Good bill, actually.

S. 583 - American Law Enforcement Heroes Act of 2017
Nice touch

H.R. 366 - DHS Stop Asset and Vehicle Excess Act or the DHS SAVE Act
Managing the motor pool

H.R. 375 - An Act to designate the Federal building and United States courthouse located at 719 Church Street in Nashville, Tennessee, as the “Fred D. Thompson Federal Building and United States Courthouse”.
Speaks for itself

H.R. 657 - Follow the Rules Act
Does this need legislation?

S. 1094 - Department of Veterans Affairs Accountability and Whistleblower Protection Act of 2017
It's a start.


  1. Michael, Thank you for the research and commentary. Thought provoking and a call for me to go back to phoning my legislators. The values being shown to the youth by the current administration is troubling. Please keep the blogs coming, always food for thought and action

    1. Thanks for your encouragement. Spread the word. Resist/Persist
